Thursday, March 11, 2010

Enchanted Pathways

I finally finished my entry for the Enchanted Pathways exhibit at the American Tapestry Alliance meeting in Albuquerque, called Wind Blown.  I was in such a rush to mail it that I did not take such a good photo.  I took the photo from an angle and it looks really skewed.  It is pretty square, thanks to K. Spoeirng's directions on blocking a tapestry.    I have to admit, it is not totally square, I was experimenting with skipping warps on some sections, and weaving over and under on all warps on others.  As a result, the tapestry really pulled in toward the top.  Oh well, it was a learning experience, and it is a very different subject matter than I have used before.  On to other subjects now....I am thinking about weaving a series of small tapestries called Lines.  More about that later.

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