Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A bit of progress

I thought I would show the peony tapestry with a bit more done.  I have done some weaving this week as the children have headed back to school.  But I have to confess I haven't done much today.  My legs are freezing sitting at the loom.  I worked all morning just to get horses out, get them some water, and get the kids to school.  I am looking forward to a bit of a thaw tomorrow; 5 degrees is too cold for this Southern girl.

Instead of weaving, I did do a bit of painting before Christmas.  I don't paint very often.  I find the process a bit frustrating.  My daughter is in love with foxes and has been for over a year, predating the big hooha over the "What Does the Fox Say" video.  Anyway, I started this painting months ago, but struggled to finish.  I finally finished on the 24th.  She doesn't want to hang it, but wants it to sit on her little cabinet as if he is sitting there watching her.